作者:王荣春1 宋成文2 姜士敏1 王虹3 李建新34 王同华1
单位: 1大连理工大学,精细化工国家重点实验室,炭素材料研究实验室,大连,116024)
关键词: 炭膜;煤;电场;炭黑
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2013,33(2):12-17

Conductive microfiltration carbon membranes, which not only behave as membranes but also as electrodes, were prepared by extrusion method in this paper. The relationship between pore structure and electric conductivity of carbon membranes is studies by adding pore former and carbon black in carbon membranes. Additionally, the change of permeation flux of carbon membranes and electrochemical degradation reaction on enhancing anti-pollution ability under electric fields were investigated. The results showed that electrical conductivity of carbon membranes was enhanced with the decrease of porosity and addition of carbon black. The permeation flux of carbon membranes were significantly improved under electric fields, which may be attributed to electro osmosis and electrochemical reaction. Furthermore, with increase of electric-field strength and electrical conductivity, the permeation flux of carbon membranes increases even more dramatically. In the treatment of methylene blue waste water, conductive carbon membranes demonstrated higher flux and anti-pollution ability owing to electro osmosis and electrochemical degradation reaction, as well as hydrophilic modification of carbon membranes.

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