作者:张 委,张 莉,谢永刚,康巧能,李明阳,刘学良,娄玉峰
单位: 1. 山东省荷电高分子膜材料重点实验室,潍坊 261061;2. 潍坊职业学院,潍坊 262737; 3. 山东省海洋精细化工重点实验室,潍坊 262737;4. 山东天维膜技术有限公司,潍坊 261061
关键词: 双极膜;电渗析;巯基乙酸钠;巯基乙酸
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2021,41(5):114-120

 本文采用两隔室双极膜电渗析装置,研究了由巯基乙酸钠制备巯基乙酸的可行性。实验结果表明,利用双极膜电渗析技术能够在不添加其他物质的条件下,将巯基乙酸钠转化成高附加值的巯基乙酸和氢氧化钠,避免了副产钠盐的产生,同时生成的氢氧化钠可以回用,达到资源化利用和清洁生产的目的。巯基乙酸钠的转化率达到98%以上,电流效率为67.2%,产酸能耗为665.8 kW·h/t。相对于传统生产方法,本方法简化了巯基乙酸的生产工艺流程,有效降低了生产成本,提高了巯基乙酸收率。
 In this paper, the feasibility of thioglycolic acid from thioglycolate sodium feed with a two-compartment bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) device. It was found that sodium thioglycolate could be converted into high value-added thioglycolic acid and sodium hydroxide without adding other addtives and sodium salt by-products. At the same time, the production of sodium hydroxide can be reused for the purpose of resource utilization and green production. The conversion rate of sodium thioglycolate was over 98%, the current efficiency was 67.2%, the energy consumption of acid was 665.8 kW·h/t, Comparing with the traditional method, the BMED technique can simply the production process, reduce the production cost and improve the yield of thioglycolic acid.
张 委(1988-),女,山东聊城市人,硕士,中级工程师,从事电渗析应用技术开发研究.

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